Dear Friends
It was good to see all our faithful Sunday satsang participants again last Sunday. Thank you to all who posted or emailed such great messages of loving support for Ramji. He is doing well and getting a bit stronger every day. We will know more about what's ahead when we see his cardiologist in the next few weeks. In the meantime, we are being very well taken care of by Dave who took us to the Museum of Modern Art:
Much love,
Sundari and Ramji
1. Cosmic Joke: ZOOM Satsang 21th January 2024
This coming Sunday 21st January, Ramji will finish the Puranic story illustrating the solution to one of life’s trickiest problems: how to deal with the results of our actions (or lack of them), and transform our resentments. When you appreciate the fact that life is a zero-sum game you discover that the bliss you previously imagined belongs to objects belongs only to you. The buck stops with you. Nobody gives bliss to you, withholds it or takes it away. Consequently, you are no longer bothered by negative emotions, a sense of doership, doing, and the results of your actions. Don't miss it!
Here's a photo from last Sunday Zoom at Dave's place:
We will teach at the usual time, which is 10 am for the West Coast USA, 1 pm East coast USA, and 7 Pm European time.
Join the Zoom Meeting at 7 pm MADRID time
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
2. Watch the Mandukya Upanishad from Berlin 2017 with timestamps!
This seminar was exceptional! Please take advantage of these excellent videos. Georg even included timestamps in the videos to help you follow the teachings more easily!
Here is the playlist:
Here is an example of the timestamps:
3. Satsang of the Week:
4. Recording from last Sunday:
or here
The timestamps are as follows:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari