**Likes and Dislikes: Signposts of Deeper Samskaras and the Path to Neutralizing Them**
ZOOM on 30th June of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends,
Last Sunday we continued the discussion on why enlightenment sickness is part of the process of self-inquiry, and the difference between self-inquiry and psycho-therapy. These are issues that will come up for discussion regularly as they are related to the subtlety of the assimilation of non-duality, not only as par for the course, but particularly with regards to inflated egos that have a hard time with humility.
I did not get to finish my talk on how our likes and dislikes are the moment to moment signposts of all our deeper samskaras, and the importance of understanding the stages of neutralizing them. I will continue with this topic on Sunday, which basically comes down to karma yoga as the most potent form of therapy. We will also discuss bhakti yoga, what it really entails, and why it is so important.
We hope to see you all on Sunday
Much love
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Video of the Week:
Embracing a Sattvic Lifestyle: Treating Everyone as Yourself - Trout Lake, WA, 2010
2. Unlock All 2023 Seminar Videos!
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Here is the list of content:
3. Book of the Week: Patanjali Yoga Sutras meets Vedanta
55. When mind becomes pure, moksa is gained.
Only the definition of freedom determines the veracity of this statement. Is moksa an event or is it the nature of the Self, in which case, insofar as I exist and am conscious, I am free?
If I am free and don’t experience the limitlessness of my innate being, moksa has nothing to do with a pure mind, insofar as the chitta, which can be rendered relatively less impure by managing the gunas, is impure by nature, because it is made up of three “parts,” each of which depends on the other two, which makes it seemingly real, not actually real. If it is not real, it doesn’t actually exist, in which case moksa is only gained by the removal of ignorance, which is technically, not actually, an event. The removal of ignorance is the removal of duality, multiplicity and plurality. Time is not involved. It is like pregnancy: you are never a little bit pregnant. You are either pregnant or not.
However, if the verse means the effects of ignorance, i.e. erroneous notions, then although it is time-bound, freedom from them is tantamount to freedom itself, insofar as ignorance collapses without the beliefs and opinions that support it, in which case moksa is an event that takes place in stages. When the last undesirable vritti, the desire to be free, is removed, you are free.
4. Lovely Testimonial: The Teacher is the Hand of Friendship and Love on the Shoulder
5. Social Media: What are the 4 Steps to Enlightenment
To see all comments and posts by Ramji, click here:
To see all comments by Dave, click here:
6. Recording from last Sunday:
Enlightenment Sickness and Living as the Undefended I Am
7. Forthcoming Events 2024:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari