Live Stream - Kaivayla Upanishad - Cologne, 3rd - 5th November
Dear Friends,
Kaivalya Upanishad is one of the ten most important source texts of Vedanta. The word kaivalya has three basic meanings, “perfect, freedom, associationless”, which is the nature of the true Self of all sentient entities. If you are trying to be perfect, are seeking freedom and are looking for love, this teaching, unfolded by James, will prove that you needn’t seek further. You are already Perfect and Free. Not only that, you are the Love that makes love loving.
Live at the Cologne Center 80,00
Online 50,00
To Register click here:
Ramji and Sundari
2. Photos from the weekend seminar at Oss, 2023
3. We have put together a thought-provoking commentary on Shay's deep inquiry.
If you're interested, we invite you to join us and watch it by clicking the link below:
4. Satsang of the Week
5. Upcoming Fall Seminars
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari