Dear friends
This Sunday, James will continue his teaching on Bhakti Yoga, focusing on the same text as last week, Swami Abedhananda’s Shrimadbhagavatam. Make sure to join us, as this will help you enormously with putting into practice what it truly means to live nonduality, which is to say, to live joyously.
We look forward to seeing you all
Much love
Sundari and Ramji
1. Join us this Thursday for an introductory talk on our Bali 2025 Seminar, open to all interested.
Topic: Yoga and Non-Duality
Date: January 16th 2025
Time: 5:00 Pm Bali Time, 10:00 am Spain Time
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
To sign up for the Retreat, contact:
2. Video of the Week: This is a ShiningWorld!
Here is the complete list of all recorded seminars on YouTube:
To join and watch all, click the button below, scroll to bottom and select Jnani Club:
3. Guided Meditations by Rory on YouTube
Rory has set up a YouTube channel to upload audios of the various guided meditations/exercises from his new book - the channel is
The meditations are a mix of guided self-enquiry, teachings such as the location of objects, and upasana meditations. Rory also created daily meditation for seekers, which focuses on Self-Knowledge and claiming that knowledge. Check it out!
4. Social Media:
More than 5000 people engaged with the following Neo-Advaita post:
Also check out our Instagram page:
5. Satsang of the Week:
6. Listen to Kate chant the Samno Mitra
which is chanted for a successful study presented in the Taittiriya Upanishad
7. Events 2025:
Here's the link to the Bali 2025 presentation:
8. Zoom Link for Sunday
Beginners as well as Advanced Students are welcomed for this Sunday:
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
9. Sunday Zoom Recordings
All Zoom recordings can be found here:
10. Recording of The Fire of Self Knowledge by
Thank you all for joining and supporting our work :)
We hope you enjoyed The Fire of Self Knowledge with James Swartz - we would love your feedback!
Please click here to fill in a short feedback form - your comments are completely anonymous
Please click here for the replay - the password for the page is fire
11. Social Links:
You want to support ShiningWorld Inc. to cover the running costs?
Here is the link to the complete list of YouTube videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
Social Media Links
Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari