Dear friends,
This Sunday I will pick up where I left off with my teaching on neutralizing likes and dislikes. I would like to discuss with the regular attendees of our Sunday Satsangs, and also get feedback from all who don’t usually attend but watch the videos of our satsangs, if there is enough interest in a separate course on this teaching.
Ramji and I feel that when we both teach on a Sunday, it does not allow enough time for Q&A to develop for either teaching. This is not conducive to assimilation of the teachings. Therefore, our idea is to both teach every week, but on separate days.
Ramji would continue teaching every Sunday at the usual time – 7pm Madrid time. I propose to teach every Wednesday, either at the same time, or later at 8pm. I would like some feedback both on who would be interested in attending, and which time slot works best overall for both Europeans and Americans.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you again this Sunday!
Much love,
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Video of the Week:
Vedanta's Reaction to Movie "Groundhog Day" by Ramji and Georg
If you would like to upgrade your membership or join, click on the button below and scroll down to the bottom:
2. Mundo Sundaram is calling 😀
Our next seminar is coming up and there are still some spots available!
3. Social Media:
4. Check out Vedanta Gorilla’s (aka Dave) activity on Reddit’s Consciousness forums!
5. Satsang of the Week:
A Response to Jim Carrey
6. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link
7. Forthcoming Events 2024:
8. Social Links:
You want to support ShiningWorld Inc. to cover the running costs?
Here is the link to the complete list of YouTube videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
Social Media Links
Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari