Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you well! We are enjoying the cool weather of Portland, getting over jet-lag, and working as well. It's great to catch up with friends we have not seen in a long time!
Ramji has decided he does not want the pressure of a satsang this Sunday, so the next one will be on the 6th August, with Ben de Silva who teaches Vedanta and lives with his wife, Susan, in the Blue Mountains of Australia. Having studied under Swami Dayananda, James Swartz and Swami Paramarthananda, he is completely dedicated to the teachings and upholds the timeless tradition of the sampradaya.
Wishing you all the best,
Ramji and Sundari
1. Video of the Week: The Four Types of Thinking
To watch the full seminar, click here: Values of Values 2022
2. Satsang of the Week
3. Social Media
I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter, see you Sunday, the 6th of August :)
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari
See you next weekend, enjoy the time at Portland