Dear Friends,
It was great being back home and online with all of you from our ‘head quarters’ in Spain! This coming Sunday the 17th, John will come on for the first hour and unfold three of his blogs. The general topics are ‘playfulness’ and “don’t take things personally”, which is great advice for anyone, but really important to remember as the dedicated inquirers you are. I love the line from the old Eagle’s song ‘ ‘take it easy, don’t let the wheels of your own mind drive you crazy’….! I think that is what can happen, we get so caught up in our lives and/or in self-inquiry that we tend to take ourselves way too seriously. We look forward to your talk, John!
In the second half of the session, I will continue unfolding the satsang I gave last Sunday, which I never really got the chance to do as James took the conversation to his posting on Reddit. I will keep my talk much shorter, just unfolding the main points of why negation of doership is so subtle and difficult. This topic really strikes at the heart of self-inquiry, no matter where you are at with it. To get the background, here is the link to my satsang last Sunday:
Much love,
1. Join Zoom-Meeting at 7pm Madrid time on Sunday:
We hope to see you all on Zoom,
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
2. Video of the Week:
How can I dis-identify from the body and mind? Am I the doer?
3. Satsang of the Week:
Brahma Satyam Jagan Mithya by Sundari
4. Social Media:
5. Recording from last Sunday:
6. Here is the link to Sundari's new Trilogy:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari