Reflections on my Journey as a Vedanta Teacher: Exploring the Kena Upanishad, Part 2
ZOOM on 16th June of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear Friends
This week Ramji will continue unfolding the Kena Upanishad, concentrating on chapter two, which delves into the thorny topic of enlightenment sickness. It may be a slightly longer session than normal, as in the second half Sundari will unfold a satsang on how this teaching has been relevant to my life and progress as a teacher of Vedanta. We both look forward to sharing the deepening of knowledge with all of you.
With much love
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Book of the Week: Yoga of 3 Energies
Page 148: Transform Negativity
1. **Attachment:** Attach yourself to spiritual teachings and principles.
2. **Distrust** Distrust your thoughts and feelings until they've been rigorously examined.
3. **Conformity:** See that all your actions and thoughts conform to scripture.
4. **Addiction:** Get high on Vedanta and become an addict.
5. **Time Management:** Avoid gratuitous desires, bad company, tamasic food and breaking dharma.
6. **Self-Assertion:** Assert your true identity in the face of fears and desires.
7. **Solitude:** Value and seek out solitude for deeper self-reflection and growth.
8. **Self-Improvement:** Be angry when your focus drifts from Isvara (Your divine true Self).
To see the full list of 29 qualities, get the eBook:
2. Video of the Week: Kena Upanishad from India, 2008 - Remastered Audio.
3. Satsang of the Week:
4. Social Media: Join us on Reddit
To see all comments and posts by Ramji, click here:
To see all comments by Dave, click here:
5. Recording from last Sunday: A Direct Approach to Discriminating Awareness from Objects - Kena Upanishad
6. Forthcoming Events 2024:
7. Something to Share: In the Dayananda ashram in Rishikesh…
…the '6 months Vedanta course' has been started. Swami Shankarananda shares the Bhagavad Gita daily. One can follow these teaching live on zoom on 12.15 hours (Amsterdam timezone) and they can be reviewed. A link for the registration for these Zoom-lessons is:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari