Dear Friends
First of all, greetings to you all from beautiful Bali! It's great to be back, spending time with my family, and starting to get things lined up for the seminar here next month. It's been a delightful surprise to me that there was such interest in us teaching here, we have been fully booked for months. To my knowledge, it is the first time a Vedanta seminar taught by a true Mahatma has ever occurred on the 'island of the Gods'. This is an auspicious event. Bali will never be the same again!
Ramji and I are very much looking forward to launching a slightly different approach to teaching here. Vedanta is an oral tradition, an impeccable and flawless methodology for removing ignorance. It cannot be improved or tampered with. However, while its fundamental precepts can be stated in a punchy paragraph or two, unfolding each power packed word and what it means to live it, takes many more words. And for some, a lifetime of inquiry.
We all have different levels of qualifications, attention spans and assimilation rates. But most of us benefit more from teachings that are tightly packed and to the point. It's easier for the take-away - which is always that you are the unborn, unchanging, unlimited impersonal Self and not the born, changing, limited personal identity - to 'land'.
However, for the takeaway to become your lived reality takes delving into and negating duality, i.e., the body/mind/world with reference to you, the nondual Self. That is the hard part of inquiry and where most of the teaching of Vedanta takes place. We want to facilitate that process as much as possible. What Ramji and I, and the other Shiningworld teachers, would like to create in our Shiningworld community is a collaborative, interactive sangha. Our aim is to make our teaching time shorter and more concise, allowing more time for your participation.
We are all the Self, this cannot be gained. Vedanta tells you this upfront, and only removes what stands in the way of you appreciating this and living as the Self. If you understand what it is, the means of knowledge that Vedanta provides stands independent of any other means of knowledge, person, belief or opinion. It cannot be interpreted to suit anyone. Thus everyone who assimilates the essence of the nondual teachings is no longer a seeker - and has something of value to contribute to life, to others. We protect the teachings of Vedanta by applying them to our lives and by sharing them.
We know that a number of you are new or fairly to Vedanta, but you are no less the Self. Your questions and doubts are of value too. So, this is the direction we would like our teaching to take in Bali and beyond Bali. We invite and encourage you to join us on this journey that is not a journey but a discovery of what is. Humility, respect and surrender to a qualified Vedanta teacher is imperative for all genuine inquirers because you need to be properly taught. But in the end, we are all the teacher, the taught, and neither.
Vedanta is a fellowship of friendship in the Self.
Much love,
Sundari and Ramji
Ps. This is a typical Ganesh altar at my accommodation, every single building in Bali is required by law to have an altar of some kind.
1. Sanātana Dharma - The Eternal Way - 31st March:
Ramji will teach "Sanātana Dharma - The Eternal Way” on Sunday at 7pm Madrid time
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
2. Daylight Saving Starts 31st March
Please Take Note - Daylight saving starts on Sunday 31st March in Spain, and time goes 'back' by 1 hour. So wherever you are in the world, we will start at 7:00 pm Madrid Time.
3. Video of the Week: Reaction Video to movie "Soul"
The following video is the first of our series on Movie Reactions. We chose the movie "Soul” because it beautifully displays and teaches Isvara in its many forms, join our Membership area “Jnani Club” in order to support us and watch the video:
For any technical questions, write to:
4. Satsang of the Week: Lifestyle Solutions by Sundari
To read more, click here
5. Social Media
Join Ramji on his enlightening tour on Reddit:
6. Recording from last Sunday:
How to Accept myself completely? Click here for the video
If you want to watch any of the past recordings, click here:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari