ShiningWorld Update: August 29th 2023
Dear friends
Trout Lake 2023 was a great success, as always, and we had a wonderful time with all who attended. For me especially, since five years passed since I last attended a campout at Trout Lake, being with so many of our dear friends again was like one big love fest! Though smoke from nearby forest fires and intrusive building noises next door threatened our shanti, we still managed to overcome both to focus on the fire of Self-knowledge, so eloquently unfolded by Ramji.
I contributed to the teachings on the last day of the seminar, as did John Baxter. It was a good test run for our upcoming seminar in Bali next year, where all the Shiningworld teachers will take part. Dave Reid was our faithful camera man, and he did a great job of recording the sessions.
We regret any inconvenience caused by the delay in the upload process.
We are heading back to Spain on Sunday the 4th, so our next Sunday satsang will be on Sunday the 11th of September.
Much love to you all
Sundari and Ramji
1. Video of the Week:
2. Satsang of the Week:
3. Bali 2024:
Both venues where the teaching will take place are full, but there are lots of other accommodation options nearby. I will send out a separate newsletter soon providing further details for those interested. Bali is promising to be a wonderful event, Isvara willing, so if you are thinking of joining us, don't hesitate too long. We still have spaces in the teaching venue, but not that many.
4. Weekly Highlight on Social Media:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari