The Teaching Tradition of Advaita Vedanta, Part 3
ZOOM on 15th September of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends,
In the first half of the Zoom satsang this Sunday, Ramji will resume his excellent discourses on Swami Dayananda’s The Teaching Tradition of Advaita Vedanta, which focuses mainly on the all important difference between experience and knowledge. Don’t miss it!
Last week I did a brief review of some of the main principles and obstacles involved in the subtleties of self-inquiry, as well as in teaching nonduality. This set the ground to continue the teaching on neutralizing likes and dislikes, which I will do in the second half of the session this Sunday.
Beginners as well as advanced students are welcome!
Much love,
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. 6th to 12th of October Seminar Topic - Aparokshanubhuti
Yoga means contact and Vedanta is humorously called "the yoga of no contact." Indirect knowledge is knowledge of something remote that is not experienced. Direct knowledge happens when an immediate something is experienced. You are in contact with existence shining as consciousness because you are existence shining as consciousness. Attend this seminar and hear Shankaracharya's definition of Vedanta as Yoga.
2. Video of the Week:
Click here for the video:
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3. If you would like to share something…
About Vedanta and your self inquiry in the newsletter, or you have a question regarding YouTube and other video offerings, contact George!
4. Social Media
5. Satsang by Sundari
6. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link:
7. Playlist of the Week:
Yoga of Love - Amsterdam 2022:
8. Forthcoming Events 2024:
9. Social Links:
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For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari