**Understanding the Subtle Art of Nididhyasana and neutralizing likes and dislikes
ZOOM on 6th July of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends
This Sunday James will open the satsang on the topic of nididhysana, and why it is so subtle. He will read from Swami Paramarthananda's excellent teaching on the subject. Leading on from his talk, I will wrap up the discussion on neutralizing likes and dislikes by explaining the four basic stages of surrender as they relate to karma yoga and moksa, highlighting why humility is so important for both.
Though it is clear that we have inquirers who are at different levels of qualification and understanding, we had a wonderful group last week and hope you will all join us again. However, we would like to remind you that it is difficult for us to teach a class like this via Zoom, and we do our best to attend to your questions. Please be patient and don’t hesitate to voice your questions, but also keep in mind that your questions or contributions need to be of help to others too. If what you have to say is not clear, or does not make a contribution, it may be better to either write to us, or do some inquiry and raise your question when you are clearer about your doubt.
We apologize that we forgot to record the satsang last Sunday, so I recorded the talk I gave separately. It does not include the questions that were asked, but please read the satsang posted online and bring your questions or doubts to the meeting this Sunday. It is important that you do your part for the continuity of the teachings, this helps to build and grow a strong sangha.
We are happy to announce our first event dates for 2025.
Spain, from the 16th – 22nd March 2025.
Bali, from the 3th June – 8th June 2025.
Please check the website for details as both events have space for only 30 people.
Much love
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Video of the Week: How do I get free of the Doer?
2. Book of the Week: Atma Bodha
Who knows Awareness?
If I negate the five sheaths with their instruments of knowledge as not-Self, who is left to know my Self? The instruments of knowledge are like bankrupt debtors: they borrow light but are unable to return it. And because there is only one existence/Consciousness, the Atma cannot borrow light, yet it constantly shines because its nature is light, just a sugar’s nature is sweetness. It effortlessly shines, and the subtle body bounces its light onto objects, illumining them.
Enlightenment – Self-knowledge – is not an event. Object-knowledge is an event. Objects are unknown until they appear in me. Information is relayed from the sense organs, interpreted by the mind and the object becomes known. So an experience is an unknown condition, followed by a known condition.
But the Self is never unknown, because all the time it is available as the sense of “I.”
Using a flashlight to see the sun is analogous to trying to know the Self with the mind. The intellect, like a telescope, is an instrument capable of illumining objects in a field but incapable of seeing itself, much less the Self, its origin.
The Self doesn’t need to be known, because anyone who says, “I am,” which is everyone, already knows who they are. Maya adds an incessant stream of objects that seem to modify the“I,” so Self-knowledge is seemingly hidden by them, which is why we say that it is necessary to remove ignorance.
3. Satsang by Ben:
4. Links to Social Media:
5. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link:
6. Greetings from Rishikesh:
Susie invited Georg to the Vasishta Cave in the Himalayas, Vasishta was one of the 7 eternal sages of India, and the cave is beautifully settled in Himalayas next to the Ganges with a strong and powerful shakti.
7. Forthcoming Events 2024:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari