Unfolding Nisargadatta Maharaj's Mediations with Ramji via ZOOM
Sunday 2nd July, 7 pm Madrid CET
Dear Friends
On Sunday at 7pm Madrid Time, Ramji will commence the unfolding of Nisargadatta Maharaj's Meditations. It was in 1968 that Ramji first encountered Nisargadatta, a time when he was yet to gain recognition in the Western world. If you're curious to read about their meeting, simply click on the picture below. Nisargadatta's Meditations* provide an authentic and direct account of his teachings, presented as Nirupanas—passages designed for meditation. Their purpose is to lead you towards the revelation of your true essence. As Nisargadatta expressed, "The sensation of beingness is a matter of experience, but I am beyond that. Some people claim that they have memories of past lives. I do not have even the experience of myself at any time." To grasp the essence of this statement, we invite you to join us on Sunday at 7pm Madrid Time.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8346167587
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
*Click on it to receive the document
1. Satsang of the Week: The Location of Objects Teaching by Dave
2. Become a YouTube member today and enjoy exclusive access to the following videos (click on the titles below):
Audiobooks: Yoga of Love & Yoga of the 3 Energies (Mind Management)
Amsterdam 2023 Seminar: Dharma and Karma
Mandukya Upanishad, Oss Netherlands 2022
Tiruvannamalai, India 2008: Bhagavad Gita & Self Inquiry & Katha Upanishad
Tripura Rahasya, The Mystery beyond the Trinity: Vancouver 2012
Yoga of Love 2016: Bend, Oregon
If you have questions, kindly write to: Georg.ShiningWorld@gmail.com
3. Sundari presents: ShiningWorld Art Gallery
To see the full gallery, click here.
That concludes this week's newsletter. We have an exciting lineup of two remarkable guest speakers scheduled for the upcoming meetings on the 9th and 16th of July. Stay tuned and don't miss out!
Ramji and Sundari
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ps. If you'd like to rewatch James’ talk from last Sunday (click on the title):
The Art of Managing the Mind
And here is a written summary of the talk given by Rory two weeks ago: https://www.shiningworld.com/living-the-teaching-5-keys-to-freedom/