"Unlocking Nonduality: The Crucial Role of Memory in Assimilating Teachings" Part 2
ZOOM on 28th July of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends,
Ramji will be teaching again this Sunday on Zoom and will continue with the topic from last week, which is why memory is so important with regards to the assimilation of nondual teachings.
His medical procedure this week turned out to be a bit of a false alarm and the doctors found that there was no need for alarm. Ramji is doing just great and he is raring to go for Trout Lake.
This year at Trout Lake he will unfold the last six chapters of the Bhagavad Gita, the topic of which is self actualization, the development of character.
God is great!
Ps. Please note that though it is always true that only Isvara knows the future, as things stand, there are no further cancellations of seminars listed on events for the rest of 2024.
We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday
Much love
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Book of the Week: Patanjali's Yoga Sutras meets Vedanta
Erroneous knowledge is biased hearing of words, resulting in thoughts that do not correspond to reality.
ONE JUMPS TO a conclusion without knowing one is jumping to a conclusion, because the unconscious mind’s heuristic principle generates a simplified version of Creation’s incredible complexity, allowing the individual to seemingly make rational choices, or at least formulate reasonable doubts. However, unbeknownst to the ego, unconscious biases (samskaras) cause the ego to interpret words incorrectly. When life presents an idea or situation that doesn’t conform to the ego’s likes and dislikes, the unconscious mind presents an “alternative fact.” The lazy (tamasic) part of the mind prefers memes, slogans, formulas and beliefs because they preclude mental effort. Restraint stabilizes the outflowing chitta and produces sattva, which presents an opportunity for objective investigation. Both Yoga and Vedanta generate sattva, clarity of perception and thought.
Page 5:
2. Video of the Week: Chinmaya's Biography Reaction Part 3 - On a Quest
Here is the link to the complete list of available videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
3. Satsang:
4. The Self is Bliss, Trout Lake 2019
5. Social Media:
Click here for the post:
Ramji’s social media links:
Links to Dave’s and Sundari’s Reddit pages:
6. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link:
7. Insights from India:
Guru Purnima: Live from Dayananda Ashram in Rishikesh, 21st of July 2024, recorded by Georg
8. Forthcoming Events 2024:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari