Unveiling the Illusion: Exploring Maya in Advaita Vedanta - 11th February 2024
Sunday Zoom Satsang with Ramji
Dear Friends,
As you must have noticed we are breaking down each Vedanta teaching into tasty bite-sized morsels to make it easier to understand and assimilate. This Sunday will be an exception in so far as Ramji will more or less make the impossible possible and expand Maya, the creative principle into the 15 topics below in forty-five minutes! It doesn’t matter if you can’t take it all in all at once, but if keep your mind focused and present you need only understand one teaching within the teaching to set yourself free. It’s the key to freedom. So, sleep early, eat lightly and prepare your mind all week by reading the following carefully, taking notes and then write down a short question to contribute to Sunday's satsang:
Maya, a Spider and its Web
Much love,
Sundari and Ramji
1. Join Zoom-Meeting on Maya this Sunday:
We will teach at the usual time, which is 10 am for the West Coast USA, 1 pm East coast USA, and 7 Pm European time.
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
2. Video of the Week:
Happiness, Love, Steadiness, Peace, Sense of Existence and Knowledge belong to Atman - Atma Darshan
Here is the Playlist:
3. Satsang of the Week: Blog post #19 by John
Here is a little 1 minute video on John explaining the reason for avoiding argumentation:
4. Social Media
5. Testimonial on Rory's Autobiography:
This just came in via email:
For more, click here:
6. Recording from last Sunday:
and here
The timestamps are as follows:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari