Upgrade your Story
A follow up on John's excellent contribution: 26th May of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends
I am back in Spain and we are both enjoying the mild weather and the peace of the mountains, getting back into the swing of things. The last few months have been a wonderful time bringing many lessons and blessings. As always, Isvara teaches us what we need to know. Every moment of our reality is a teaching moment, and for myself personally, it essentially comes down to a narrative upgrade. While this may sound like just another catchy phrase, it is more than that. It is part and parcel of the process of freedom from limitation, and the path all true inquirers must walk if moksa is truly the aim.
If you are interested in a narrative upgrade, what that means and how to apply it to your life, don't miss the satsang this Sunday with Ramji. He will unfold this powerful teaching and how to apply it to your life.
We have a new event coming up on our teaching schedule later this year. Ramji will be teaching a weekend seminar in Berlin on the 23rd - 24th November, see below for more details. I will release details of a possible seminar in Amsterdam also in November, hopefully by next week.
With much love
Sundari and Ramj
Sunday 26th Zoom Satsang Topic 'A Narrative Upgrade':
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Book of The Week:
"Sacred karma yoga separates children from adults spiritually because it goes beyond simply surrendering the results of actions to the Field. It negates the doer itself. Even with secular karma yoga, materialists' aspirations seldom go beyond the pleasure principle. But sacred karma yoga is mandatory for individuals who want to progress to Self-inquiry and non-dual love.
Because your love partner is a great gift from nature, he or she should invoke a sense of wonder. That the Field of Life has manifested an attractive, conscious being, non-separate from life itself, capable of arousing and possibly satisfying your desires, should inspire a sense of devotional service and gratitude. If it does, it tends to increase your attractiveness in your lover's mind. Putting the needs of your partner first creates a relaxed, intimate atmosphere that attracts the mind to the present, not to the future where the result dwells, so the ritual can unfold in its own good time, increasing the probability of a successful outcome. And even if you don't reach the destination, the ride itself is enjoyable.
This feeling of gratitude should extend to everyone in your life, not just to your special love partner, who is your stand-in for the Field itself. Neither of you are ever separate from the Field. This knowledge instills gratitude, which drives out fear, because life is your friend. Thus you treat everyone as you treat yourself, with love and respect. So your lover's behaviour should be taken as a gift because unwittingly he or she is teaching what love is and isn't.
Sacred karma yoga is counter-intuitive and challenging because it expects you to love your lovers when they are not giving you what you want. Why should I love you when you don't give me what I want? Because to attain non-dual love, I need to know who I am. I can't appreciate my Self when my mind is roiled with fears and desires. Accepting whatever happens in my relationship with a glad heart neutralizes my likes and dislikes. It sets me up an even higher love which, incidentally, only makes my relationships happier.”
An Excerpt from page 76
2. Video of the Week: On Doership - An Identity Issue - Gratitude - A Warning - Rajas - Tamas - Lack of Love
3. Social Media: Join us on Reddit
Join us on Reddit in the group NonDuality either by comments or by posts and give people who otherwise would have never heard of Vedanta a chance to discover a methodological approach to enlightenment that works!
To see all comments and posts by Ramji, click here:
To see all comments by Dave, click here:
4. Recording from Sunday: Dealing with Relationships - the Motivation Drawers by Ramji and Susan Barletanni
5. Forthcoming Events 2024:
Our latest event update concerns Berlin. Caroline has agreed to host, and Ramji is delighted to continue the long-standing Berlin series, which dates back to 2011. Here are some impressions from Berlin:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari