Dear friends
We are very happy to announce that this Sunday Zoom teaching will be given by Ben de Silva from Australia on the topic of Vedantic Meditation (Nididhyasana). Ben has forwarded the text for the session (The links are below) which has been posted on the satsang page on the Shiningworld website.
Please note: Time Change
As I am still in Bali and James will be teaching in Amsterdam next Sunday, Ben will be teaching at 8pm Bali time, so that I can help him host it. There is unfortunately a big time difference.
Please take note what this means time wise for Europe and the East and West Coast USA:
Europe: 1 pm
East coast USA: 7 am
West Coast USA 4 am
Unfortunately the time will not be very convenient for the USA, and we apologize for this. The recording of the videos will be available the next day.
Beginners as well as Advanced Students are welcomed:
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
With much love
Sundari and Ramji
1. Teaching Topic for this Sunday by Ben:
The teaching will be on nididhyasanam, Vedantic Meditation (VM). In VM, the knowledge gained previously through open-minded listening (shravanam) and clearing of doubts through Q&A (mananam) are recalled and reactivated. Thoughts and words are actively used. The purpose of nididhyasanam is to move the knowledge from the intellect, through the heart, into the subconscious to be firmly established and to give emotional strength and resilience. The Sama Veda, in its Chandogya Upanishad, states: “Tat, tvam asi … That, you are.” Do I fully accept that statement?
Two types of VM will be presented. The first VM is titled: “I am not … I am …”. Its purpose is to give the mind experiences it never had nor understands and to expand it, like ‘massaging’ it. Different layers of the personality are involved. Such experiences are guided by knowledge of the features of Consciousness, Atma, Consciousness-pervading-one-form. Note it is the mind which expands, not Atma.
The second VM is a natural progression from the first and is titled: “I am THE …”. Its purpose is to lead to an even more expanded realisation that I am Consciousness-pervading-the-whole-universe, Brahman. The Yajur Veda in its Brhadaranyika Upanishad states: “Aham Brahma asmi … I am Brahman.” This means everything in the universe is ‘I’, Brahman. Can I grasp the hugeness of the Vedantic statement, of what I really am, here and now?
The Powers of 10 – Video – Shining World
Questionnaire / Self-assessmentm before Vedantic Meditation 4 – Shining World
Vedantic Meditation IV – I AM THE … – Shining World
2. Video of the Week:
Advaita Vedanta Meditation Part 1&2 with Ben de Silva, 9th August 2023
To join and watch , click the button below:
3. Join Ramji at the upcoming seminars in Europe:
4. Social Media:
More than 3600 people read the following post:
Click here for the post:
5. Satsang of the Week:
Check out this beautiful dialogue between Sundari and an inquirer on the topic of ego:
To read more, click here:
6. Sunday Zoom Recordings
15 Principles on How I Broke Free from the Karmic Cycle, 10th November 2024
Download Link:
All Zoom recordings can be found here:
7. Events 2025:
8. Social Links:
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Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari