What does it mean to Live a Nondual Life as a Person?
ZOOM on 11th August of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends
Join us this Sunday on Zoom as Ramji and I continue discussing the inescapable and all important teachings on the stages of God worship, and why a personal impersonal relationship with Isvara is central to moksa. Think about this:
Knowledge-based mindfulness is the practice of taking the nondual perspective of the witness, Consciousness, the observer of your mind in the present moment. Self-knowledge changes the filters of the seer who looks at life through the lenses of its likes and dislikes, and feels dissatisfied by what it sees, so wants things to be different.
The subject/object split collapses, and we know that the seer is not the same but not different from the seen. Life ceases to be threatening as we relax and become the seer who sees only itself, Consciousness. We live a sacred God-centered life that has one overarching purpose: to neutralize our likes and dislikes and live in harmony with whatever life presents to us, taking appropriate, stress-free, dharmic action where necessary.
This will be my talk this Sunday:
We hope you can join us this Sunday,
Much love
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Events 2024:
Ramji got everything organized and is ready for the big event:
Here are the dates for the upcoming retreats for this year and next year:
2. Video Suggestion: Upadesha Saram
Introduction, Ignorance, Desires, Helplessness, Non-Dual Thinking
Here is the link to the complete list of available videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
3. The Objects Are Me, by Ramji
“Let me ask a million-dollar question. How far are you from your experiencing consciousness? And the answer is: you are not far at all. In fact there is no difference between the real you, the non-experiencing witness consciousness, and your experiencing consciousness, the person you think you are. Although the person you think you are is an object known to you, like the physical objects are known to it, it is non-separate from you, the non-experiencing witness – the real you – just as a ring made of gold is not separate from the gold. If this is true, the objects are you! This is what we mean when we use the word “non-duality.”
Duality, the distinction between the subject and the object, breaks down when you investigate the nature of perception.”
Source: Essence of Enlightenment, page 10
4. New Satsang by Sundari: Stoicism and Vedanta
5. If you enjoy what you see, please consider:
To help us continue our activities!
6. Social Media:
And here is a post by Dave:
7. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link:
8. Impressions from Rishikesh, On Qualifications, Part 3, by George
9. Social Links:
Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari