What does it mean to Live a Nondual Life as a Person?
ZOOM on 18th August of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends
Ramji is in Trout Lake and this is his message:
“All systems Go! The weather is perfect...mid 70's during the day and 50s at night. Air quality is excellent. I can't smell any smoke at all. The fire was about 3 miles from town three days ago but the wind has shifted to the north and east, and is 6-7 miles away. We got our usual spots next to the creek, sites 8&9. Typical Indian summer weather pattern except a little early...climate change. The campground was empty apart from one site.”
I wish all of you attending a wonderful seminar under those sacred trees!
I will teach the Zoom satsang this coming Sunday, from the house of dear friends I am staying with in the south of France. I will continue with the topic I was going to teach last Sunday, which is why love of God is so central to moksa and a happy life, and also why it can be a problematic part of inquiry for some. I hope you join me and look forward to seeing you all.
Much love
Ps. This will be my talk this Sunday:
We hope you can join us this Sunday,
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Trout Lake 2024:
The weather forecast says some rain on Saturday and sunny temperatures in the 70s for next week!
Here are the dates for the upcoming retreats for this year and next year:
2. Video Suggestion:
Link to all 18 videos of Full Vedanta Course - Trout Lake 2021:
3. Book of the Week: The Yoga of Love:
“Stage 4: Worship of Everything – Visvat Swarupa
This, the penultimate stage, further expands and purifies the mind. It removes likes and dislikes: jealousy, hatred, possessiveness, etc. There is still duality – relationship – in this stage, but the “person” to whom one relates is the conscious being that is everything.
Seeing the divinity in particular objects that excite one’s love for God is well and good, but seeing the divine in all objects is the goal. In this stage the devotee must drill down into every object appearing in his consciousness until he can see consciousness – his own innermost self – shining there. Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita presents the self in its creative aspect as a cosmic universal person, someone that is both wonderful and terrifying, the idea being that the devotee should love the ugly, angry, fearful parts of his or her self and accept the evil in the world as an inevitable consequence of self-ignorance. The holy parts of one’s self are easy to love, the dark parts less so. As long as differences exist in the devotee’s mind, love is conditional.
The purpose of this vision is to instill a sense of reverence and love for everything because everything is nothing but the self of the devotee. Seeing objects in this way removes one’s likes and dislikes. The vision of everything as one’s self gives rise to wonderment in the devotee:
How can a thing and its opposite be just one thing, my self? It also generates fear because it involves the acceptance of the inevitable losses – the death of love-objects: the body and one’s family – that are part and parcel of the fabric of life. It is complete when the devotee over- comes his fears and happily accepts the inevitable demise of all objects, particularly the body and loved ones.
At this stage, the devotee sees every action as worship of the Lord and does not care about the results of actions, because his sole purpose it to arrive at Stage 5.” Page 51
4. Discussion between Sundari and German (Part 3)
5. Social Media:
6. If you enjoy what you see, please consider:
To help us continue our activities!
7. This Testimonial just came in:
“Dear James (Ramji),
I have just finished the 16 part Vedanta Course that is on You Tube and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing this knowledge to me.
There is no question that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear and You appeared at just the most perfect time in my life.
Going through these videos has been one of the most fulfilling times of my life and I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.
I will revisit these videos many times over, because I need to keep feeding that raging fire of burning desire that resides within.
So, Thank You again and please take care of yourself.”
8. Recording from last Sunday:
Download link:
9. Social Links:
Here is the link to the complete list of YouTube videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
Social Media Links
Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari