What story are you stuck in? A Story Upgrade: Join Ramji this Sunday
14th April of 2024 on ZOOM at 7pm Madrid time
Dear Friends,
What story are you stuck in?
Inspired by your feedback and driven by our passion to make the teaching more and more accessible, we have a new graphic that encapsulates the teaching in a fascinating way. It will significantly upgrade your current story and transport you to new highs!
Join us this Sunday to hear more about it:
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
Sundari and Ramji
1. Video of the Week:
Ramji's commentary on Swami Chinmaya's “On a Quest” biography
2. New Event in Berkeley, California: 27th and 28th of July
Because James responded so well to angioplasty, he will hold a seminar in Berkeley. To sign up for Berkeley, contact our dear friend Thien: thiendang@comcast.net
3. Social Media: What is Enlightenment? Is it Eternal Bliss?
4. Satsang of the Week: A Story Upgrade
5. Recording from last Sunday:
6. Preview: Lifestyle Solutions (Enlightened Lifestyles) by Sundari
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari