Dear friends
As we approach the end of the year, Ramji has been working on a blockbuster satsang for the second last Sunday of 2024. The topic is the tricky issue of the erroneous and persistent idea that Vedanta is a philosophy, and why it is not. He will discuss the difference between teaching Vedanta and teaching moksa. Though we teach the essence of traditional Vedanta, we teach moksa first and foremost. We do not endeavor to turn out perfect Vedanta scholars, but free people. It is important to be properly taught the means of knowledge, to commit to self-inquiry and follow the methodology of the teachings to the letter. But at some point, as important is that one ceases to be an inquirer, or a ‘student’, but a finder. If not, and you get lost in 'studying Vedanta', the means of knowledge can become an impediment to moksa. Freedom is not about gaining a degree in Vedanta, but the end of ignorance.
If we are doing our job as teachers, and you are a qualified and dedicated inquirer, by the grace of Isvara, Self-realization will obtain. At that point, what matters most is that you understand that you cannot actualize Self-knowledge because you are what is actual. While most inquirers still need to purify residual binding samskaras in the nididhysana phase, you are, and always have been, unlimited, whole and complete, ever-free, ever-present, unchanging nondual Consciousness. If nonduality is lived, the limited personal identity which has given you both a lot of joy and trouble, should be living a much transformed life because it is an object known to you. And as the Self, you are fine with who you are and who you are not, as the apparent person.
So, be sure not to miss it! We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday
With much love
Sundari and Ramji
1. Christmas Ideas:
Would you like to watch all three Fall Seminar videos from 2024?
If so, please consider making a donation of $40–$75 (or whatever you can afford) to ShiningWorld at After donating, send a brief message to Georg at
Prefer reading instead? Explore the Enlightened Lifestyles trilogy by Sundari—it might be just what you’re looking for!
2. Events 2025:
Here's the link to the Bali 2025 presentation:
3. Videos of the Week: Audiobook Yoga of Love
The world could be different, couldn't it?
Here is the complete list of all recorded seminars on YouTube:
To join and watch all, click the button below, scroll to bottom and select Jnani Club:
4. Social Media:
Celebrating Sundari’s birthday :)
More than 4300 people engaged with the following post:
Also check out our Instagram page:
5. Satsang of the Week: A Disciplined Practice
6. Zoom Link for Sunday
Beginners as well as Advanced Students are welcomed for this Sunday:
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
7. Sunday Zoom Recordings
Download Link:
All Zoom recordings can be found here:
8. Any question? Any contribution?
Contact George:
9. Social Links:
You want to support ShiningWorld Inc. to cover the running costs?
Here is the link to the complete list of YouTube videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
Social Media Links
Further social links of Sundari and Dave:
For any further information, contact:
Ramji and Sundari