Understanding Chitta: The Role of Memory in Vedanta and Enlightenment
ZOOM on 21th July of 2024 at 7pm Madrid time
Dear friends
On Sunday July 21 James will unfold the teaching on the chitta, memory, which is the cornerstone of Vedanta and one of the four functions or 'limbs' of the Subtle Body. Gaining clear knowledge depends on it. Without it, Vedanta will not work, because nothing will be retained and therefore, Self-knowledge will not assimilate, and you will never experience the ever-present unborn bliss of your true nature. Your ignorance of your wholeness will remain, denying Self-realization. And, naturally, without firm Self-knowledge how will you actualize what you know? Come on Sunday and learn the value of the chitta, memory!
Furthermore, a PET scan (Positron emission tomography) on Monday has revealed that James needs another heart procedure. James says his doctor is positive that it will be an opportunity to build on his vascular system’s ability to provide more oxygen to his heart. Unfortunately, because of the timing, and to provide a longer recovery from the routine procedure, this means that we will have to cancel the Berkeley seminar. We sincerely apologise to all the Berkleyites, but that is one of Isvara’s curved balls. We are hopeful that James will have his A-game at Trout Lake as always. Those planning to attend Trout Lake should check next week’s newsletter.
Ps. Below is a photo of Ramji and Dave on Long Island, where Dave is taking excellent care of him. Thank you so much, Dave!
Much love
Sundari and Ramji
Meeting ID: 834 616 7587
Passcode: 2023
1. Video of the Week: How to Remove Unwanted Thoughts and Emotions?
2. Video Suggestions
Ready to clear obstacles on your spiritual path and deepen your understanding of Vedanta? Click the buttons below to access the timeless Vedantic wisdom on our YouTube Membership platform.
Here is the link to the complete list of available videos for those who are members:
And here is the link in case you want to sign up for the membership platform:
3. Book suggestion: Atma Bodha
4. Poll: We want your Feedback!
5. Satsang:
6. Social Media:
Surprise, surprise! Sundari has joined Ramji and Dave on Reddit and starting posting and responding to comments! Click on the button below, in order to follow her!
Further social links of Ramji:
7. Recording from last Sunday:
Do I need to remember that I am awareness?Is Nididyasana necessary, or not?
Download link:
8. Reflections on India (Part 2): Exploring India's Oldest Vedanta Institute, by Georg
With a commentary by Sundari:
“These are great videos Georg, I really enjoyed watching them, and your very informed commentary is excellent! I felt like I was walking along with you. Loved the artwork at the Kailash Institute - quite wild!! Thank you for sending them, they really do give the feel of the place, and your words add a lot of meaning too.”
9. Forthcoming Events 2024& 2025:
For any further information, contact: Sundari.Shiningworld@gmail.com
Ramji and Sundari